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SIGH Grant helps fund building of additional isolation rooms for TB and HIV patients

Updated: Nov 6, 2024

Tijuana, Mexico

August 2021

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, care for persons living with HIV and TB has been severely interrupted in Tijuana. At Albergue Las Memorias, a combined Hospital and Hospice in Tijuana that cares for the destitute, they are running out of space to treat the sickest patients. Las Memorias found itself inundated with persons living with HIV that have TB, several of whom have proved to have multi-drug resistant TB and the facility is in desparate need of additional isolation rooms. These infectious deseases are a grave risk to the health of all residents in Tijuana, as well as those in San Diego County, given the proximity and interdependence of the two economies. SIGH was able to grant $10,000 to complete the building of the needed isolation rooms. As soon as La Memorias received the funds the project has pushed forward and should be able to house patients very soon.

Hear success stories from former residents of Las Memorias

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