July 2021
A simple device can be invaluable in saving many lives. One out of 10 people diagnosed with COVID-19 will require supplemental oxygen to survive. Detecting low oxygen levels early can allow patients to access life-saving oxygen therapy. An oxygen saturation meter is a simple, low-cost device that measures the level of oxygen in a patient’s blood, rapidly identifying those who require oxygen support.
Equally important, it can assure the other 9 people that they may not need this critical resource, reserving oxygen supplies for those whose lives depend on it. SIGH's grant to the The Pulse Oximeter Lending Program provided funds for hundreds of pulse oximeters to be purchased and added to the program.
With a community sharing program, a single oxygen saturation meter can be easily disinfected and shared among 10+ people, magnifying the impact of these devices in the community. For each oxygen saturation meter shared among 10 people, one life could be saved.
This program can save lives and preserve supplemental oxygen for those who need it most. Please consider aiding the COVID-19 crisis in India by donating to the oxygen saturation meter community sharing program. Your generous gift will allow us to purchase these oxygen meters at bulk pricing and distribute them for free, ensuring your donation can do the most good for the most people.
Visit the websites for the OSA Foundation (OSA Foundation Covid 19 Relief ) and India Covid SOS (https://www.indiacovidsos.org/ ) to learn more.
You can also watch this short informational video from the OSA Foundation: